Healthcare support and advocacy for LGBTQ Iowans

Health Care access logo

Desparities in healthcare access put LGBTQ lives at risk, with access for transgender Iowans being particularly dire. One Iowa aims to eliminate these barriers by educating healthcare providers, connecting LGBTQ Iowans to inclusive resources, and pushing for health policy reform that improves access for our community.

LGBTQ Healthcare Inclusivity Training 

Training and Policy Guidance: We provide specialized LGBTQ inclusivity training and policy guidance for healthcare professionals.

Learn more about LGBTQ inclusivity trainings

LGBTQ Health and Wellness Conference 

One Iowa co-hosts an LGBTQ Health & Wellness Conference to bring healthcare providers and LGBTQ community members together to connect and learn. Healthcare providers gain valuable knowledge about best practices for serving LGBTQ folks and have the chance to meet and build trust with LGBTQ individuals. LGBTQ community members can learn more about LGBTQ-inclusive healthcare resources in their area, gain system navigation knowledge, and develop relationships with healthcare providers.

The 2024 conference will be held on September 23rd in Iowa City. More information to come soon.

Submit a proposal for a conference session!

Inclusive Healthcare Providers & Patient Navigation

One Iowa Program Coordinator Max Mowitz provides on-site patient navigation services at UnityPoint Health – Des Moines’ LGBTQ clinic. Max is a trained community health worker (CHW) and can also provide remote support to LGBTQ Iowans navigating the healthcare system.

LGBTQ Healthcare Inclusive Resources Email Max for patient navigation help

LGBTQ Healthcare Studies

2018 LGBTQ Health in Iowa Study

One Iowa teamed up with the University of Iowa College of Public Health, Des Moines University, and the Iowa Cancer Consortium to collect detailed information about the Iowa LGBTQ community’s health status and needs. This research will guide future advocacy and program efforts.

2021 LGBTQ Health Needs Assessment 

Improving the health and lives of LGBTQ+ Iowans has long been a mission of One Iowa and we are excited to release the findings of our 2021 Iowa LGBTQ+ Health Needs Assessment.

In collaboration with the Iowa Department of Public Health, One Iowa hopes to change the landscape of LGBTQ+ Health in Iowa. Key topics discussed in the 2021 assessment were physical & mental health status, general well-being, drug, alcohol, and tobacco usage, sexual health, and general healthcare access.

LGBTQ Health in Iowa Report (2018) LGBTQ Health Needs Assessment Report (2021)
Emily Brown

Partnering with One Iowa and bringing their leadership and expertise to the table to work alongside our Executive Leadership team allowed UnityPoint Health to begin providing frequent and regular LGBTQ education for teams across the system… The impact the partnership with One Iowa has had will live on for decades to come.

  • Emily Brown
  • UnityPoint Health